Realize the capabilities of Work-from-Home in a Simple and Manageable Approach

Realize the capabilities of Work-from-Home in a Simple and Manageable Approach

Today, we are witnessing the immense transformation of how we do work and how it affects our daily lives. Some of us work-from-home, others accelerated and further developed their online services. At the same time, streaming sites, digital transactions, and e-commerce become more prevalent, and delivery services became more significant than ever. If not for the pandemic, this would not happen quickly - perhaps just years from now. But in reality, this façade of the acceleration of digital transformation happened in just the minority of the local companies here in the Philippines.

The pandemic and lockdown have caused a severe impact on our economy, particularly in the hospitality, tourism, and retail industry - which resulted in either operation slowdown or shutdown. Furthermore, we have an office-based solid culture before the pandemic; thus, most companies still practice a traditional approach to systems, processes, and collaboration. They are still dependent on printed documents to store data and perform their daily tasks, using free email services or websites and not having their email domain, not leveraging cloud or online storage to improve collaboration and access. As a result, they struggle to operate during the lockdown and faces the same challenges during the new normal when businesses have to adopt a hybrid (mixed of WFH and Office-based setup) environment.

In today's progressive world, technology, data, and employee and customer experiences are reshaping how the market evolves, and it is changing faster than ever - whether businesses are ready or not. Companies that are unable to grow and accept change will be left behind. If companies were to explore solutions that could benefit their businesses in the long term, it would help them prepare for any uncertainties.

What if there is a practical, workable, and comprehensive solution for businesses to start their journey towards a transformative business?

Work-from-home Bundled Solution

When people hear work-from-home or remote work, perhaps the things that would come to mind is owning a laptop and having a stable internet connection. But that is not all; there are other considerations that companies should consider to create a seamless and efficient remote work setup. HR policies, productivity measurement, collaboration protocol, and improve security are some of the areas that business owners should look into.

    - Basic Office Productivity Tools

Productivity and collaboration should be maintained and improved within the organization, especially with a distributed workforce. It is the instrument for an efficient process, output, and performance of your employee and business. In a nutshell, a company should equip every employee with a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation program, and other software programs for producing documents or tasks.

    - Email System

While using free email services like Gmail and Yahoo is the best and simple option to build and operate a business, it may appear less professional and reliable for customers. Email address is the core, and valuable tool of communication and marketing, which frequently results in sales leads and conversions—having a custom email address with its domain builds credibility for customers and consistency. It also adds security to protect any information exchanged.

    - Workflow Automated System

Complex and manually driven business processes often lead to setbacks, disarray, and errors in documentation and consume more time in tracing data and approvals. Documentation and workflow automation helps simplify and streamline processes by reducing manual or paper-based workflow, improving and scale turnaround times, is convenient, secures access to data, and allows improvement and visibility in bottleneck processes.

    - Video conferencing and Online Storage

Accessibility is one of the most important factors when having employees who live and work in different cities. It maintains efficiency, collaboration, and communication within the organization regardless of location and time. Video conference call replaces face-to-face meetings. In addition, employees and customers prefer the convenience of a faster and efficient way to meet and collaborate (virtually). Video conferencing and online storage not only creates efficiencies but also enable a digital and flexible engagement.


AMTI understands the challenges most businesses face today when it comes to redeveloping and improving their business approach. Because of this, AMTI designed a Work-from-Home (WFH) Business Bundled Solution for companies, particularly micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). It includes the four (4) tools and programs mentioned above. The bundled solution of AMTI will enable MSMEs to embrace and realize the capabilities of the WFH setup. Its practical approach and affordability will allow companies to quickly adapt to the digital-driven world, ensure their medium and long-term survival, and prepare them to be a future-ready businesses.



Talk to AMTI now to know more about our Work from Home Bundles suited for your business or visit our Work-from-Home Business Bundle Solution pageSend your inquiries at or email us at [email protected]

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